Crenshaw Whitley & Associates, LLC (CWA)

Employee benefit group-purchasing programs for the education, healthcare industries as well as municipalities

Crenshaw Whitley & Associates, LLC, is a privately held company which specializes in developing employee benefit group-purchasing programs for the education, healthcare industries as well as municipalities.

Education and healthcare administrators are under constant pressure to retain and attract the best candidates while adhering to tight budgetary constraints. CWA knows that once salary demands have been met, the best candidates and employees make decisions based on a sound, comprehensive benefits package. In short, a robust employee benefits program is an absolute necessity.

CWA understands the demands placed on healthcare and education administrators. We have worked with education and healthcare entities nationwide and our specialty is  developing attractive, cost-effective purchasing programs.

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At MedBenefit®, healthcare organization’s employee benefit plans are our primary focus. MedBenefit℠ understands the demands on healthcare administrators to retain...
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